Wednesday, 10 August 2011

At boiling point!

The Western World is ready to explode! The society is sick, said the PM.
Society from Wikipidia: "The term society came from the Latin word societas, which in turn was derived from the noun socius ("comrade, friend, ally"; adjectival form socialis) thus used to describe a bond or interaction among parties that are friendly, or at least civil. Human societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals sharing a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members. Without an article, the term refers either to the entirety of humanity or to a contextually specific subset of people. In social sciences, a society invariably entails social stratification and/or dominance hierarchy."
Because Humans are gregarious animals, the only way is to live in groups, establish hierarchies and thus, live in Societies. We have been doing this from the beginning of Human Kind and many, many Societies have come and gone, evolved and self extinguished. Those movements and eventual endings of highly organized societies, actual Civilizations, all relate to shift of power zones and flux of money, it is nothing new.

What is happening in the UK could be happening in any European capital, even the Scandinavian countries. This is the age of the "The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable". A black swan is very unlikely, but it happens!
A week ago no one, going about their daily, uncaring and selfish lives, would think possible seeing their streets transformed into a war zone. The same way a month ago no one would think possible a young, well educated and clever man, would kill dozens of others in a peaceful place like Norway.
Nature does not like the void, there is no empty space that stays empty for long...

The Society is sick, not just pockets!! The basis of any Society is the interaction between its components, so if there is a bad part in it, let's not be naive, the whole thing is in trouble.

A void has been created in our Society, a void of Morals and Ethic Codes. Dangerous consequences come from that, because that is the fabric of any Society. From chimpanzees, to meercats, to lions to Greeks and Romans, Societies only operate if there is a solid set of Codes and each individual respects them totally.
No, Nature does not tolerate voids, something will fill them, and generally what fills them first are opportunistic creatures that will parasite and eventually kill unless the host develops ways of fighting back.

The other "surprise", and I put it in brackets because it wasn't a surprise for me, in this situation was that the first communities to stand together and face the feral humans where not the indigenous people of GB, not the Anglo-Saxons of Richard the Lion Heart, but the Sikhs, the Hindus, the Pakistanis, the Turkish and others, that came out and chased the mob, hence filling the void.
They were the first because their Societies have not suffered from the destruction of moral codes to the extension the Western Society has, though it probably will also happen one day.
Because I do not share the view that their arrival in Europe is what causes all problems, I actually firmly believe they are a bonus, not a minus, I am happy to see the dignity and decency of people that have been robbed and lost their Sons. They are always at the end of a stick, many many times in a very unfair way, and now they proved they don't deserve that. The real terrorists this time are British citizens, of no specific religious belief, in fact they are of no belief at all!!

Like with everything else in London, a melting pot of the World, there are many shades and colours in the looters, but many, many are white kids, wasted by their parents, them selves wasted by their parents, 3 or 4 generations of non-working families living on the dole. With all that spare time in their hands and no guidance or Moral conduct to follow, the role models are gangsters and violence, taking and not giving, greed, greed, greed...
The images don't show people starved, taking food to survive, they show fat, plump and well built humans stealing to indulge!!

Lets say the Western Civilization has Cancer, the disease of the Century is physicality and philosophically killing our way of life.
Information abounds, everyone has access to school and education. But it seems we have gone backwards, only a small percentage of us can actually listen, see, read and then interpret with our own heads what the information means, its called reasoning!!
Some Centuries ago in Europe the Religious figures had all the power, because the people could not reason ( many times not even the King) , they had no way how to because they were illiterate. Now its the Media that has that power. an organization also deprived of Moral or Ethic, an organization that sold its soul to the Devil many years ago, because it is surely the greediest of all!!!

Cancer starts as a malformation. It starts very, very small, but grows very, very fast.
To me the start of our Cancer was the end of the presence of a strong leader in the house hold first and then in the Country and then in the Continent. There are no more role models, strong figures that teach the young values, because themselves don't have any to teach.
A healthy Society depends totally on the knowledge and experience of the older generation, but our Society has been “storing” the elders in specifically made homes for that purpose, like a death row. And now plans are at foot to start thinking how to kill them legally... Without the old, the new have no chance!!!

The whole Society is sick with Cancer and everyone knows how hard it is to fight Cancer. It is possible though and these events should be taken as a warning of things to come, not as a aberration that wont be repeated!!
We are all seeing the rise of the Black Swan and we are still in time to do something about it, we have the power of knowledge on our side, we only need tolerance and organization to cure our Civilization and if the current leaders don't have the will ( they, like the Media are sold already ) we as a Civilized group, can put pressure on them and we can also lead by example, do something for others, like the impromptu cleaning teams that were created across to London to help with the cleaning.

I write this knowing no one will read it and it is another drop in the Ocean, I do it essentially for me, to organize my ideas and maybe someone will read it and will have an impact on them, to let them know there is hope if we use our heads and start helping instead of complaining all the time!!!